🟠 Behavioral Competence Assessment

Consulting Division ServicesVetting services

Vetting services
Environmental Consulting & Compliance services

Consulting services ⭢ Environmental Consulting & Compliance services

🟠 Air Emissions / Annex VI Services ⭢
🟠 USCG/US DOJ Related Services ⭢
🟠 Assessment / rating of company & ships procedures related to environmental compliance / risk ⭢
🟠 Execution of ship environmental audits (expanded or short)
🟠 Review of ship environmental records ⭢
🟠 Bilge water and sludge monitoring and analysis
🟠 Creation / review – restructuring of Environmental Management System (EMS)
🟠 Consulting on certification for the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems & ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems
🟠 Creation / updating of environmental manuals & plans ⭢
🟠 Environmental Training ⭢

Behavioral Competence Assessment

The BCA provides sufficient evidence that the seafarers can perform the ship handling tasks to the safety and performance standards required by the Company by demonstrating, along with adequate knowledge and professional competencies, sufficient levels of Behavioral Competencies (Leadership & Managerial Skills, Situational Awareness, Communication & Influencing, Teamworking, Decision Making, and Results Focus).

The assessment could be carried out onboard during a Real-Time Audit, in a simulator during a BRM/BTM training, or remotely through a virtual meeting at a convenient for shipping time based on a structured questionnaire and predefined criteria.

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