In terms of continuous monitoring of the implementation of the ISM/ISPS Codes, MLC & ISO standards we can provide new Companies with initial setting up in obtaining DOC /ISO certificates, covering the following elements:
- Setting up of Company’s documents (Office Library, Filing System, ISM declarations, various SMS monitoring systems, etc.).
- Preparation of Company’s and vessel’s documentation for Interim and/or initial SMC, ISSC, and MLC certification. Liaising with external parties on matters concerning the establishment, approval, and timely auditing of the SMS.
- Review and upgrade or new development of Company’s SMM & vessels shipboard manuals to comply with the vessel(s) particular area and mode of operations & submission for approval of any shipboard manual is required by law (i.e. SSP, SOPEP, SEEMP, MRV, etc.).
- Appointment of Margetis Maritime experts to be your Company’s DPA&DDPA, CSO&DCSO & MLC representatives.
- Creating a ‘Document Control System’, ensuring compliance with reporting deadlines of the ISM/ISPS/MLC forms.
- Creating a ‘Non-conformity & Deficiencies Monitoring System’ ensuring compliance with reporting and corrective action deadlines.
- Creating a ‘Vessel’s Certificates Filing System & Status’ ensuring compliance with certificates expiration dates.
- Creating a “KPIs monitoring system”.
- Providing instructions to the vessels regarding the new Company’s SMS implementation. Liaison with vessel Master on routine issues of the Safety Management System.
- Liaising with external parties (selected ROs) on matters concerning establishment, approval, and timely auditing of the SMS.
- Setting and maintaining an annual schedule for Office and vessel internal/external audits and superintendent visits.
- Carry out Company’s internal ISM audit ashore.
- Carry out internal ISM/ISPS/MLC audits & superintendent inspections onboard vessels.
- Vessel’s representation during ISM, ISPS, and MLC external audits (interim) by ROs.