OCIMF - Mooring Load Analysis During Ship-to-Ship Transfer Operations

OCIMF (Oil Companies International Marine Forum) published a new study “Mooring Load Analysis During Ship-to-Ship Transfer Operations”

July 27, 2022

OCIMF - Mooring Load Analysis During Ship-to-Ship Transfer Operations

OCIMF (Oil Companies International Marine Forum) published a new study “Mooring Load Analysis During Ship-to-Ship Transfer Operations”

July 27, 2022

Despite the best efforts from the seafarers, mooring lines often fail during demanding and high-risk Ship-to-Ship operations. These failures can potentially cause severe harm to people, ships, and the environment.

OCIMF (Oil Companies International Marine Forum) has recently published the study “Mooring Load Analysis During Ship-to-Ship Transfer Operations”, the aim of which is to support seafarers in assessing local specific risks and determining the safe operation’s environmental limits and weather window for these operations.
The previous relevant editions of OCIMF “Ship-to-Ship Transfer Guide” had guidance on the potential impact of environmental conditions but were based on old studies.

The extensive development of mooring line simulation technology and software programs has improved the capability of assessment and validation.
OCIMF’s new study is based on these developments with scope to increase awareness of associated risk and environmental threshold limitations.
The study was conducted by the HR Wallingford in collaboration with OCIMF and supports the required KPIs under Element 5.

Read the full study at the following link: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6935200641610870785

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