🟠 VDR Analysis/Audit

Consulting Division ServicesVetting services

Environmental Consulting & Compliance services

Consulting services ⭢ Environmental Consulting & Compliance services

🟠 Air Emissions / Annex VI Services ⭢
🟠 USCG/US DOJ Related Services ⭢
🟠 Assessment / rating of company & ships procedures related to environmental compliance / risk ⭢
🟠 Execution of ship environmental audits (expanded or short)
🟠 Review of ship environmental records ⭢
🟠 Bilge water and sludge monitoring and analysis
🟠 Creation / review – restructuring of Environmental Management System (EMS)
🟠 Consulting on certification for the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems & ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems
🟠 Creation / updating of environmental manuals & plans ⭢
🟠 Environmental Training ⭢

VDR Analysis/Audit

The VDR analysis assesses the crew competence during a specific route or period. It replays events sequentially and examines actions and reactions assessing the implementation by the Bridge Team of the Company’s Policies and Master’s Standing orders. It can evaluate Pilot’s performance and his interaction with the Bridge Team.

In case of an incident, it contributes to the investigation procedure.

Learn more about our vetting services