🟠 HSSQE Consulting to New Companies initial setting up in obtaining DOC / ISO Certificates

Consulting Division ServicesHSSQE Assurance

Environmental Consulting & Compliance services

Consulting services ⭢ Environmental Consulting & Compliance services

🟠 Air Emissions / Annex VI Services ⭢
🟠 USCG/US DOJ Related Services ⭢
🟠 Assessment / rating of company & ships procedures related to environmental compliance / risk ⭢
🟠 Execution of ship environmental audits (expanded or short)
🟠 Review of ship environmental records ⭢
🟠 Bilge water and sludge monitoring and analysis
🟠 Creation / review – restructuring of Environmental Management System (EMS)
🟠 Consulting on certification for the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems & ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems
🟠 Creation / updating of environmental manuals & plans ⭢
🟠 Environmental Training ⭢

In terms of continuous monitoring of the implementation of the ISM/ISPS Codes, MLC & ISO standards we can provide new Companies with initial setting up in obtaining DOC /ISO certificates, covering the following elements:

  1. Setting up of Company’s documents (Office Library, Filing System, ISM declarations, various SMS monitoring systems, etc.).
  2. Preparation of Company’s and vessel’s documentation for Interim and/or initial SMC, ISSC, and MLC certification. Liaising with external parties on matters concerning the establishment, approval, and timely auditing of the SMS.
  3. Review and upgrade or new development of Company’s SMM & vessels shipboard manuals to comply with the vessel(s) particular area and mode of operations & submission for approval of any shipboard manual is required by law (i.e. SSP, SOPEP, SEEMP, MRV, etc.).
  4. Appointment of Margetis Maritime experts to be your Company’s DPA&DDPA, CSO&DCSO & MLC representatives.
  5. Creating a ‘Document Control System’, ensuring compliance with reporting deadlines of the ISM/ISPS/MLC forms.
  6. Creating a ‘Non-conformity & Deficiencies Monitoring System’ ensuring compliance with reporting and corrective action deadlines.
  7. Creating a  ‘Vessel’s Certificates Filing System & Status’ ensuring compliance with certificates expiration dates.
  8. Creating a “KPIs monitoring system”.
  9. Providing instructions to the vessels regarding the new Company’s SMS implementation. Liaison with vessel Master on routine issues of the Safety Management System.
  10. Liaising with external parties (selected ROs) on matters concerning establishment, approval, and timely auditing of the SMS.
  11. Setting and maintaining an annual schedule for Office and vessel internal/external audits and superintendent visits.
  12. Carry out Company’s internal ISM audit ashore.
  13. Carry out internal ISM/ISPS/MLC audits & superintendent inspections onboard vessels.
  14. Vessel’s representation during ISM, ISPS, and MLC external audits (interim) by ROs.