🟠 ISM/ISPS/MLC/ISO Internal Audits

Consulting Division ServicesHSSQE Assurance

Vetting services
Environmental Consulting & Compliance services

Consulting services ⭢ Environmental Consulting & Compliance services

🟠 Air Emissions / Annex VI Services ⭢
🟠 USCG/US DOJ Related Services ⭢
🟠 Assessment / rating of company & ships procedures related to environmental compliance / risk ⭢
🟠 Execution of ship environmental audits (expanded or short)
🟠 Review of ship environmental records ⭢
🟠 Bilge water and sludge monitoring and analysis
🟠 Creation / review – restructuring of Environmental Management System (EMS)
🟠 Consulting on certification for the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems & ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems
🟠 Creation / updating of environmental manuals & plans ⭢
🟠 Environmental Training ⭢

Ιn terms of continuous monitoring of the implementation of the ISM/ISPS Codes, MLC & ISO standards we can provide internal auditing consulting services:

Α. The ISM Audit covers the following elements based on ISM Code, Flag Specific requirements, and Company’s existing SMS:

  1. Vessels and Crew Certification
  2. Vessel’s General Appearance and Condition
  3. Document Control /Filing System and Record keeping.
  4. Crew Management
  5. Safety Management
  6. Bridge Procedures
  7. Training and awareness of key ship’s staff on ISM/ISPS/MLC requirements
  8. Familiarization – Handing Over – Training and Evaluation Procedures
  9. Verification of rectification of any deficiencies noted during previous PSC inspections, etc.
  10. Drills and Emergency Procedures
  11. Audits, non-conformities, incidents, near misses, risk assessments etc.
  12. Health and Hygiene
  13. Work Permits
  14. Cargo and other Operations
  15. Mooring and Anchoring Operations
  16. Pollution Prevention
  17. Vessel’s Structural Condition
  18. Communications
  19. Engine and Steering Compartments
  20. Cyber Security
  21. Engine Room operation
  22. Steering Gear
  23. Spares and Supplies
  24. Dry-Docks and Repairs
  25. Operational practices and compliance with industry guidelines.


Β. The MLC Inspection covers the following elements based on MLC 2006, Flag specific requirements and existing Company’s MLC procedures:

  1. Μinimum Age
  2. Medical Certification
  3. Qualifications of Seafarers
  4. Use of any licensed or certified or regulated private recruitment and placement service
  5. Seafarers Employment Agreements
  6. Payment of Wages
  7. Hours of Work and Hour of Rest
  8. Entitlement to Leave
  9. Repatriation
  10. Manning Levels for the Ships
  11. Accommodation
  12. Onboard Recreational Facilities
  13. Food and Catering
  14. Onboard Medical Care
  15. Shipowners’ Liability
  16. Health, Safety and Accident Prevention
  17. Social Security
  18. Complaint Procedures


C. The ISPS Audit covers the following elements based on the ISPS code, Flag specific requirements and vessel’s SSP:

  1. Ship’s Tour
  2. Ship Security Plan
  3. Master & SSO Interview
  4. Ship Personnel with Security
  5. Duties Interview
  6. Document Control / Filing System and Security Records keeping.


D. The ISO Audit covers the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001 standards and Company’s specific QMS, EMS, ISMS manuals.

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